Retro Photos.....Take a Look...
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The Original Ward Band 1968
Ken Baguley
Howard Shinedling
Karen Shinedling
Eldon Fortie
and Gordon Lake
Boys, Steve and Scott Smith with mom and dad Donna and Richard Smith and grandparents.
At the LM Ward chapel under construction.
Kristi Wagner and Becki King
Dorothea and Warren Williams 40's
Robert and Carol Thompson 60's
Cindy and Ana Brunner and Betty Hulterstrom
Tanya and Thanya Hansen
Judy Giles, Irene Drasso,
Connie Lake
Left corner: Sheri Bishop, Erin Russell, Jeannette Drasso,
Kim Broderick & Deanna Spence - 1982
Joe Fetters, Connie Lake, Barbara & Blake Stevens and Nancy Lake 1983
Chery & Randy Warr 1983 - Tree Planting Ceremony
Shawn, Elaine & Grant Altman 1983 - Tree Planting Ceremony
Rod & Marilyn Sellers in Utah
1991 La Mirada Ward Reunion - Scott Atkinson and daughter, Clara Smith and grandson and Verlie Hansen
Ed & Joyce Brinck and Connie & Gordon Lake 1995
Connie Lake, Irma Williamson, Margaret Hinrichsen, Hannah
Covington, Katie Cline, Jody Roberts, Shirley Stanford, Carol Prestwich 1996
Oral Covington, Chuck Cline, Cliff Hinrichsen, Gary Prestwich, Gordon Lake, Jack Roberts, Wynn Williamson 1996
Cecil Cowan, Gordon Lake & Barbara Cowan 1996
Gordon & Connie Lake, Jesse & Barbara (Lowe) Burnam-Ranker, Sallyanne & Lavell Bachman 1996
Julie Keawekane, Aimee Gossen, Bekki King, Dina Olson
Back row-Tyler & Allyson Wright, Kelly Looney, Jack Looney, Jeff Looney, Braeden Croft, Scott Croft--Middle row-Sierra Wright, Melissa Looney Wright, Brian Looney, Jacob Looney, Carol Looney, Jenna Looney, Kristin Looney Croft, Spencer Croft--Bottom Row--Sydney Irving, Brent Irving, Jill Looney Irving, Madeline Croft, Brian Croft
Carol Looney, Bonnie and Marianne Seely - 1984
Darlene Evans, Donna Caliva Anderson and Belva Smith - 1984
Krista Baguley 1981 - Left
Brent Boyle 1983 - Right
Cathy Giles & Tim Claire 1983
Marilyn Lake & Mark Cloward 1982
Crenshaw family Thanksgiving 1999
Crenshaws 6 Kids 1961
Crenshaws 6 Kids 2002
Allen Family 1981
Denzel "Zeke" Allen - Passed away in 1980
Corey Child, Ruth Fewkes, Lee Child & Gary Fisher
Kim & Corey Child 1986
Kim & Kelly Furgeson, Alan Fisher, Craig Child - Eagle Scouts 1971
Susan Fisher's 1967 Sunday School Class - 3rd in back row is David Evans, 5th is Derek Spence, 7th blond girl may be Carol Bills. In the front row: Maybe Ruth Byers is the 1st person, Stacy Lowe is the 3rd one over, 5th is Gary Fisher
DeLaMare Family
Don & Barbara DeLaMare - 50th Wedding Anniversary
Patty Atkinson, Donna Smith, Barbara DeLaMare (and Barbara on the phone)
Margaret White and Dorothy Stone 1995
Virginia Conley & Toni Russell singing 1991 & Lorraine Anderson 1995
Glenn Baguley, maybe a Redd? & Dave Collette
LM I Ward BBQ - Earl Redd, Merlin Magnusson, Bob Hansen, Leon Mitchell, Charlie Byers
Danny Hill, Ken Baguley, Bob Hill, Carole Pearce
Charles Rodeback, Roger Underhill, Charlie Robertson, Bob Hill, Gary Pearce, Dick White, Rick Seely, Roy Foreman, Bud Pitsenbarger
Kevin Mitchell, Freddie Vanderhorst, Alan Fisher, Linda Crenshaw,
Craig Child
Pete Vanderhorst, Paula Saylors, Ken Vanderhorst, Marcia Brunner
Paula Saylors & Pete Vanderhorst
Pete & Paula, Freddie & Rudi, Ken Vanderhorst & his wife & their families, (minus one missionary son of Pete's & Paula's)
Softball - Judy Giles, Viola Harrington, Donna Caliva, Kathy Conley, Kathleen Mitchell, Paula Saylors
Volleyball - Kathleen Mitchell, Viola Harrington, Karen Caliva, Paula Saylors, Freddie Vanderhorst, Lisa Roberts
Softball - Kathleen Mitchell, Viola Harrington, Paula Saylors, Freddie Vanderhorst, Rita Harrington, Jackie Eastburn, Kim McDermott
Church ball...Charles Rodeback, Pat "Tiny" Jacobson, Bruce Hansen, Danny Hill, John Drasso, Vince Schaeffer, Robert Hill, Keith Schaeffer, Randy Davidson, Ted Ahern
Andrea Herr & Kenny Vanderhorst
Kim Furgeson, Glenn Baguley, Kevin Mitchell, Randy Clifford, Kelly Furgeson, Kenny Baguley, Peter Vanderhorst, Danny Boyle, Jeff Redd
Robert Thompson, Bishop Solomon Keawekane and Dave Thomas
Leon Mitchell, Bishop Earl Redd, Gordon Lake
Lisa Roberts, Kathleen Mitchell, Mary Claybaugh
Danny Hershey, Lance Roberts, David Roberts, Jeff Redd
Kathleen Mitchell, Viola Harrington, Judy Claybaugh
Mark Evans, Kathleen Mitchell, Viola Harrington, Robert Hill
Paula Saylors & Kathy Conley
Kathy Conley, Sheri Pearce, Lisa Roberts, Kathleen Mitchell, Dave Collette, Kevin Mitchell, Iese Harrington, Viola Harrington, Donna Caliva, Paula Saylors
Jeff Redd, Martha Hughes, Carole Pearce, Ken Baguley, Danny Hershey, Bill Hulterstrom, Kathleen Mitchell, Viola Harrington, Judy Claybaugh, Pete Vanderhorst, Cindy Claybaugh
Dean Spence, Carole Pearce, Kara Hershey, Reba White, Harry Estep
The General Lee starred in the Dukes of Hazard
Laurels Canoe Trip - About 1974
Paula Saylors, Jack Roberts, Gordon & Connie Lake
Donna Caliva, Kathy Conley, Sherry Pearce and Stacy Coon
Kathy Roberts, Gordon & Connie Lake in the bushes....
Teri Prestwich, Scott Child, Barbara Lake
Scott Child passed away on December 3, 1982
Also shown above: Bachmans and Brunners,
Carolyn Ahern, Jeannette Drasso, Cathy Giles, Marilyn Lake